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Akinoomaagzid: Learning from Mother Earth

This section has been designed to help families, learners, teachers and students engage in land-based and Anishinaabemowin language learning opportunities.  Together, we have created a set of Bitmoji virtual classrooms that take the viewer to a place where they can click on pictures to learn more about that item through songs, activities and the Native Language- Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe). 


Each week we will continue to post a new land-based learning classroom for everyone to enjoy and opportunity to learn together.  Please Enjoy, 


Gina & Jodi

Teachers & Parents:

Please remember that these resources have been made to support students K-12.  Some resources and links were created for older grades and may not be suitable for younger viewers.  Please ensure you preview links and make sure your child is using Children's YouTube on your device so they are seeing content made for their age group :)


Please note: Some school boards do not let you access materials coming from emails outside of your school boards (example: tcdsb domains will not grant me access to approve your requests).  If you have not received access to some materials try using a personal email to access :) 

Land-based Learning & Ojibwe Bitmoji Classrooms

Week 1 Intro: Animals, Colours, whats on the land: Click on the pdf!

Click here  

Week 2:  Water is Life~ Nibi gaa-bimaaji'iwemagak: Click on the pdf!

Click here  

Week 3:  Planting- & Spring sounds ~ 

Click here  

Week 4:  Things in bloom and growing

Click here  

Week 5:  Happy National Indigenous Day June 21st & Indigenous History Month

Click here  

K-3 Resources: National Indigenous Day & History Month

Click here  

Week 5:  Happy National Indigenous Day June 21st & Indigenous History Month
Gr. 4-12 Resources: National Indigenous Day & History Month  

Click here  

Click here  

2021 Week 1:  Onaabidin Giizis/Ziisbaakdoke Giizis,  Choice Board             
Gr. 4-12 Resources: Land-based Learning & Ojibwe   

Click here  

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